Private Lesson Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Lessons are scheduled and paid for in advance.
  2. Any change in schedule must occur with at least 24 hour notice and approval of both parties.
    1. Failure by the student to appear for a scheduled lesson will result in forfeiture of the lesson; there will be no refunds given. Teachers will remain present for the duration of the lesson in case the student comes late. Adjusting the end time of the lesson is at the discretion of the teacher (pending availability).
    2. Failure by the teacher to appear for a scheduled lesson will result in a 50% refund of the cost of the lesson, in addition to a “make-up” lesson at a later time.
    3. Though the teacher is to make every effort to begin and end lessons on time, sometimes lessons run long. 
      1. In a virtual lesson, one student will not enter the meeting while the other is there (unless prior arrangement is made), and the teacher will then provide the paid for time, scheduling overflow for a different time, if needed.
      2. In an in-person lesson, the student will wait outside the lesson area for the previous lesson to finish, and the teacher will then provide the paid for time, scheduling overflow for a different time, if needed. 
    4. The teacher is to be early for his or her lessons.
      1. In virtual lessons, the teacher is to open the meeting at least 5 minutes before his or her first lesson of a string.
      2. In in-person lessons, the teacher is to arrive at the agreed location at least 5 minutes before his or her first lesson of a string.
  3. Lessons are bought in packages of 1, 4, 8, or 12. They may be redeemed for work with just one teacher or for any number of teachers.
  4. Both virtual lessons and in-person lessons are recorded. The uses for the video and audio recordings of these lessons will include, but not be limited to:
    1. Verification that the lesson took place at the agreed time for the agreed duration, pursuant to Term 2.
    2. Monitoring lessons for the continued protection of both students and faculty.
    3. Pedagogical use between some combination of approved guardians, faculty employed by the Delaware Valley Conservatory of the Arts (either as a full- or part-time employee or as an independent contractor), and the students themselves.
  5. If the Delaware Valley Conservatory of the Arts or an affiliated teacher wishes to use lesson recordings for promotional reasons, pedagogical reasons with another student, or to show an outside organization, written approval must be received from the teacher, the student’s legal guardians, and the Executive Director of the Delaware Valley Conservatory of the Arts.